Videos of Memorial Service
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Piano Performance next to guestbook signing (Paige Griffen)
Mitzfits Klezmer Performances (with daughter Rima)
Bruce Calnek (neighbor, colleague and memorial service master of ceremonies)
(son) Lee Grunes

(son) Lee Grunes (continued)
Linda Levine
B Rosenberg (reading for Wife Willa)
Dorie Rosen
("adoptive grandaughter") Paige Griffen (piano)
(colleague) Ross Welch

(colleague) Ross Welch (continued)
(daugher Rima Grunes) and the Mitzfits,
joined in song by sons Lee and Mitch
(son) Mitch Grunes
(colleague) Daryl Van Kampen

(colleague) Daryl Van Kampen (continued)
(more) Bruce Calnek
(former USDA technician) Chris Sanchirico
("adoptive son") Michael Griffen
Ross Feinstein (speaking for daughter Rima)
Williard Daich
Sarah Simplini[sp?]
Joyce ?
Martin Alexander
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